Ringing in your ears can affect your health.

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Ringing in your ears can affect your health.

When you hear ringing in your ears all the time, some people may consider it normal. You think you have tinnitus and it will go away for a while, but don’t be complacent. Ringing in your ears can affect your health and may be a sign of disease in the brain.

The ear is an important organ that is used to https://ufabet999.app listen to various sounds in life. When there is noise in the ears, many people tend to become complacent. and thought it would go away on its own Therefore, it is left until it becomes annoyed, suffering and may become even more serious. Therefore, when there is noise in the ears that is not noticeable. Seeing a doctor as soon as possible will help ensure timely treatment. and reduce damage to the ears which will affect health

noise in the ears

Tinnitus is a sound that is heard without an external sound source. They have different characteristics including:

  • hum
  • sound
  • echo, ringing in the ear
  • Drone
  • loud clicking sound
  • Thumping, thumping, hissing sounds according to the heart rhythm or pulse.
  • sound like machinery
  • The sound of crickets chirping
  • wind noise
  • Whooshing sound

The sound in each person’s ears is different according to the volume level. They range from low to high tones. Can occur in only one ear. or both sides And the sound can be heard most clearly when in a quiet place.

The obvious problem with tinnitus is that it affects daily life. Or cause other health problems to follow, such as irritability, fatigue, stress, anxiety, memory problems. or sleep, etc.

Causes of ringing in the ears

The cause of noise in the ears can be caused by many factors. and many reasons include:

  • Earwax blockage due to the accumulation of a large amount of earwax.
  • Perforated eardrum, such as otitis media
  • Inflammation of the eardrum from a cold causes the tube leading to the middle ear to become blocked. when swallowing saliva If you can’t adjust the air, you’ll feel ringing in your ears. There can be noise in the ears.
  • Brain symptoms such as brain tumor, stroke Bleeding in the brain, etc.
  • Blood vessel disorders such as high blood pressure Hardening of the arteries Aortic aneurysm, etc.
  • Age as you get older causing increased deterioration Especially the auditory nerve that has deteriorated.
  • Loud noise for a long time From concerts, machinery, firearms, firecrackers, etc.
  • Some medicines have side effects. It can cause noise in the ears.
  • Changes in pressure, such as diving too deep and going to high altitudes The body can’t adjust the pressure in time. Affects pressure in the middle ear Affects the functioning of the inner ear. causing noise in the ears
  • Other causes include abnormal growth of bones in the ear, jaw joint abnormalities, sinusitis, ear infections, uneven fluid in the ears.


Diagnosis of tinnitus can be done by

  • Take a history of the time you have Noise in the ears, high or low sounds, loud noises during the day or at night.
  • Hearing test by electric machine To see hearing impairment (Audiometry)
  • Examine the sound and hearing of the sound nerve endings in the inner ear by measuring the SISI Score (Recruitment Test).
  • Examine sound separation and hearing of the auditory nerve. Brain fatigue (Tone Decay Test)
  • Hearing measurement using special methods To separate the location of the lesion (Bekesy Audiomety)
  • Measure hearing at the brainstem level (Auditory Brainstem Response)

Treat noise in the ears

Methods for treating noise in the ears are based on the actual cause, including:

  • Avoid stimulants such as loud noises, alcohol, etc.
  • Hearing aid Helps you hear more clearly. and can reduce noise in the ears
  • Muff out ringing in your ears by playing soft music or turning on the radio.

rehabilitation with drug therapy

  • Anti-anxiety drugs, vasodilators, sleeping pills, cochlear tonics Medicines to desensitize the auditory nerve, etc., must be strictly under the guidance of a specialist doctor.
  • Blood vessel ligation surgery brain tumor surgery

Take care of your ear health

Ear health care is something that must be paid attention to. Which is not difficult to do as follows:

  • Don’t listen too loud/for too long.
  • You shouldn’t wear headphones while sleeping. Or in a very noisy place because you have to turn up the volume.
  • Don’t spin or pick your ears.

Finding the true cause is the key to treating tinnitus. Therefore, if you hear tinnitus and it affects your daily life, You should see a specialist doctor quickly. Because treating tinnitus within 2 weeks from the first day symptoms appear increases the chance of recovery from the disorder even more. and reduce negative effects that will affect health as well