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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Vertigo, a potential cause of serious disease

Vertigo, a potential cause of serious disease. Vertigo is one of the symptoms that may refer to brain disease. Some people may think that this is normal. They are just dizzy. Sit and rest and it will go away. But to be sure It’s better

Not getting enough sleep Can cause harm to health

Not getting enough sleep Can cause harm to health. good sleep It is the first step to living a good life, therefore getting rid of sleep problems. Therefore, it is important to your health and well-being. Many factors can influence sleep problems, such as medical

Caffeine poisoning is more dangerous than you think.

Caffeine poisoning is more dangerous than you think. Caffeine is a nerve stimulant. It is naturally present in beverages. That are usually made from coffee and tea. In addition, there is also in soft drinks The mechanism of action of caffeine is different from other

Ringing in your ears can affect your health.

Ringing in your ears can affect your health. When you hear ringing in your ears all the time, some people may consider it normal. You think you have tinnitus and it will go away for a while, but don’t be complacent. Ringing in your ears


 The belief that onions can help prevent heart disease may come from information in one study. That said the supplement quercetin (Quercetin), a substance found in onions. May have a positive effect on blood lipid levels Blood pressure level. The response to blood sugar levels and inflammation are


Soybeans are one of the legumes that are beneficial for heart health. Also, soybean products such as tofu, soybeans milk or soy milk. It is also rich in plant protein. which besides having no cholesterol It may also help reduce bad cholesterol and increase the

Foods to lower cholesterol that are easy to find.

As already mentioned If you change your diet, it may help reduce bad cholesterol. It also has a positive effect on cardiovascular and health. Examples of foods that lower cholesterol include:  1. Avocado  Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, or good fats, and dietary

Caution should be taken when eating garlic.

Pregnant or who are breastfeeding Eating garlic during pregnancy is relatively safe if eaten as food or in appropriate amounts. But it may not be safe to consume as medicine. There is also no reliable information about the safety of applying to the skin during pregnancy

4 unusual symptoms if the fan is turned on in front of the face

Turning on a fan while sleeping is popular in many countries. Especially in hot and humid weather. Turning on a fan while sleeping can be both good and bad for your health. It depends on many factors such as wind direction and wind strength. and overall health of the sleeper But here

6 primary symptoms that said you might “Lose to Sweat Yourself”

Has anyone ever felt a stinging or itching sensation? In the area where the body sweats when we encounter the very hot sun? Whether it’s the neck, face, arms, legs, etc., it’s not enough. Sometimes even hives, red rashes or rashes appear in the said area. Is it possible that